Saturday, October 24, 2009

Banfield Reveiew

Banfield does not carry pet insurance. What they have is a wellness plan. They call themselves a "discount membership with free financing".

The site does have some helpful information for anyone with a new pet. The articles on dogs are information and helpful.

As a long time dog owner.  I understand the cost of owing a dog. One article I read on how to save money said don't buy a dog as the yearly cost can easily be $1500. However, not owning a pet is not an option for me and so I save in other ways.

When your pet is a member of your family it is wise to budget for their expenses as well as your own.

Banfield has locations nationwide and probably reside in your local Pet Smarts.

Veternary office calls usually start at $40 a visit and can escalte from there.

When my Shih Tzu develped an ear infection it was easily over $100.

I am still evaluating other plans and have so far resisted buying into the fear of protecting my pet from something catastrophic happening. But having a known amount to budget for wellness visits would be helpful.

Check out your local pet stores. Mine offers a low cost veterinary clinic in their store every month for shots and routine exams.

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